Spiritual Direction
enter space for holy listening

Service Description
Encounter your true self and discover the wellsprings of life as you listen to God with an experienced spiritual companion. Spiritual direction provides space on a journey of seeking wholeness, stepping into the light, growing in God's grace, and becoming fully human. As with all areas of growth, spirituality is something that is created and maintained through regular practice. By participating in your spiritual journey, you will learn to recognize what your soul needs and better discern a path forward. Spiritual direction has been called "holy listening". In a spiritual direction session, a trained companion, a spiritual director, listens for the presence of God's leading with an individual as they share their story and experiences of their own spiritual journey. Both the spiritual director and the directee grow in their ability to discern the spiritual realities of the individual's life through conversation, contemplation, and careful listening. Tending to spiritual wellness will overlap with other dimensions of wellness present in each person. The Seeking Wholeness philosophy takes into account all dimensions of wellness while meeting with a directee. The dimensions of wellness are: spiritual, relational, physical, intellectual, emotional, vocational, environmental, and financial. When considering personal growth toward being well, spirituality is the soil that allows all the areas of wellness to take root and grow. Honoring the whole person aids in self discovery and the process of becoming fully human as God is leading. Make space for holy listening with a spiritual director. Schedule a free 15 minute discovery call with Tierney to learn more.